Create beautiful interactive data maps

Visualize your geospatial data with a simple, yet powerful platform. Once your data map is finished, makes it easy to share it with others.

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app screenshot

Import your data

Upload data set directly from your local machine. You can also enter the URL to the remote CSV file.

data upload screenshot

Edit data hassle free

You can use an interactive table or edit values directly on the map. Blazing fast editor allows you to see changes immediately.
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data edit screenshot

Customize map easily

Customize map appearance. Select one of the color palette, designed specifically for cartography. Adjust scale type. Choose between a couple of algorithms.

data map config screenshot

Publish your data map

Share your map with the world. You can export a map to PNG or SVG file or publish an interactive map and embed into your website. No coding skills required!

Check an example of published map

published data map screenshot

Have a question? Ready to try? Go ahead and have a look:

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